서브상단 글자


pISSN : 1225-1453

일본학보,, Vol.131 (2022)

DOI : 10.15532/kaja.2022.05.131.241

Yoshinobu's Pardon and Okubo Toshimichi

Shim, GiJae

(Professor, Japanese Studies, Dankook University, modern history of Japan)

본고는 明治 2(1869)년 9월말에 단행된 전장군 요시노부(慶喜) ‘사면’에 대한 新政府측 대응과정을 오쿠보 도시미치(大久保利通) 중심으로 고찰한 것이다. 구막신 인재가 현실적으로 요청되는 시점에서, 가쓰 가이슈(勝海舟)의 외무대승 발탁에 노력하고 있었던 오쿠보는, 가쓰로부터 요시노부 ‘사면’이 선행되지 않고서는 관직 취임이 어렵다는 의사를 전달받았다. 당초 ‘사면’에 소극적 반응을 보이고 있었던 신정부측은, 요시노부 ‘근신’해제를 고민해야 하는 정치적 과제를 떠안게 되었다. 이 과정에서 가장 적극적인 태도를 보여준 신정부측 요인은 오쿠보였다. 그는 전년 말 산조의 반대로 요시노부 ‘사면’이 무산된 경험과, 삿초(薩長) 대립이라는 냉엄한 현실을 고려해 정치적 해법 찾기에 나섰다. 그 결과 오쿠보는 보신(戊辰)전쟁 전후처리 타개논리로서, “전도대목적론(前途大目的論)”과 “천황신단론(天皇宸斷論)”을 제창하고 나섰다. 이것은 극심한 대립과 혼란이 계속되고 있는 정국상황 속에서, 신정부 국가목표의 정립을 추구하면서 보신전쟁 전후처리를 천황 재단으로 해결하려는 정치구상이었다. 그러나 요시노부 ‘사면’을 관대론 입장에서 천황 재결로 마무리하려던 계획은, 예기치 않은 정치사정(오무라 조난사건・마에바라 및 산조의 ‘異論’제기)으로 순연되었다. 특히 오쿠보의 반발을 초래했던 것은 산조의 ‘異議’였으나, 오쿠보와 가까운 이와쿠라가 양인의 입장을 살린 중재책을 제시해, 표류될 뻔했던 요시노부 ‘사면’은 마침내 실시되었다. 이 결과는, 오쿠보의 의도대로 천황 재단에 의한 ‘조서’형태로, 요시노부 ‘사면’이 최종 이루어졌음을 의미했다.
  오쿠보 도시미치,요시노부,사면,천황신단론,조서  , Okubo Toshimichi,Yoshinobu,Pardon,Tenno Shindanron,Shousho

요시노부(慶喜) 사면과 오쿠보 도시미치(大久保利通)

Shim, GiJae

(Professor, Japanese Studies, Dankook University, modern history of Japan)

This paper investigates the decisions and processes that the figures of the New Government, especially Okubo Toshimichi, had to make and go through to make a former Shogun Yoshinobu's pardon(executed on Sept. 28 of Meiji 2) possible. At the time when competent public officers from the Tokugawa shogunate was needed for the success of the New Government, Okubo made efforts to invite Katsu Kaishuu to the post of the Gaimu-tajo. Okubo, however, was indirectly notified of Katsu's unwillingness to join the cabinet unless Yoshinobu was pardoned beforehand, and the New Government, which was reluctant to pardon Yoshinobu, had to mull over the issue of lifting his disciplinary confinement. In this process, it was Okubo who showed the most positive attitude to the former Shogun's pardon among the government figures. Knowing that Yoshinobu's pardon was not realized because of Sanjo's opposition at the end of the previous year, Okubo actively searched for a political solution that could overcome a grim reality of the confrontation and rivalry between the Satsuma and the Choshu. He proposed “The Future Grand Purpose Theory” and “Tenno Shindanron” as post-war doctrines for settling the nation's post-war issues after the Boshin War. The purpose of his doctrines was to seek to firmly establish the goals of the New Government in the face of severe domestic conflicts and chaos, and to leave the pending decisions on complex post-war issues to the emperor. But the plan to execute Yoshinobu's pardon with the emperor's permission and generosity was postponed due to an unexpected political situation. Especially Sanjo's objection to the plan was an obstacle and Okubo was furious about it. But Iwakura, who was close to Okubo, suggested a compromising proposal and helped Yoshinobu's pardon, at the risk of being postponed again, to be executed. This means that Yoshinobu's pardon was carried out in the form of an imperial rescript based on the emperor's decision, as Okubo wished.

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